Seventh-day Church of Revelation

Organizing churches around the world to preach the everlasting gospel in light of the Three Angels Messages by looking to the divine Son of God as the way, the truth and the life.

What We’re All About

We want to see the spirit of humility growing in brothers and sisters as they surrender all to Jesus, giving them strength and love to declare what they have seen and heard and calling others into fellowship with the Father and His Son Jesus Christ.

People coming together to worship and serve the only true God and Jesus Christ whom He hath sent.

Speakers dedicated to exalting God the Father and His Son, Christ Jesus, calling people to repentance and reformation by the grace of God.

Repeating the words of the pioneers in our work through books, tracts, articles and Sabbath school lessons.

Providing resources such as video, audio, books, tracts, social media and the web to preach the gospel to all the world.

Who We Are

A simple team of men and women who desire pure Christianity as given to the prophets and apostles as they were moved by the spirit of Christ.

Juan Contreras

Hispanic Ministries Coordinator

Juan Carlos Contreras enjoys giving public talks, house-to-house evangelizing work and graphic design work for literature. He desires to see and be a part of the final movement that heralds the second coming of Christ and his kingdom!

Jonnatan Herrera


As a second generation Adventist, Jonnatan’s passion for studying God’s word has led him from youth till now. Jonnatan has served as a deacon, elder and has preached in various churches. Since learning the truth of who God is, Jonnatan, has spent the last 12+ years taking any opportunity to share this truth.

Nick Ionashku


Nickson Kiprop

Kenya Missionary

Elder Kiprop has been working as an evangelist since the day of his salvation. He enjoys distributing Christian literature and conducting door-to-door visitations. He has a special interest in raising up churches and establishing them on the platform of eternal truth.

Francis Kiprop

Kenya Missionary

Elder Francis Kiprop is a dedicated and faithful minister of the gospel of the grace of God. He served as an evangelist and that of a first elder in his former SDA church. He has a special interest in sharing the truth with the most disadvantaged and neglected souls living in the remotest areas of Kenya. He is currently working as a minister of the gospel in the Pokot Mission Field.